
The exclusive and secret place in El Nacional

Each restaurant or bar at El Nacional has its own personality and style and in spite of being such an extensive complex, each venue creates its own ambience, as may be seen on a first visit. However, there is a space that is not seen during a visit of this type, a reserved venue, exclusively for groups where the best of El Nacional’s extensive culinary offer may be savoured.

The decoration of El Magatzem simulates what its name means in Catalan, a warehouse, with a wall of wooden boxes, bottles and other elements to be found in a place of this name, located, obviously, alongside the restaurant’s central kitchen.


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Wine and sausage, the perfect pairing

Cheese and wine make the perfect couple

Stories tell that in ancient times, when wine dealers offered their products to be tasted by customers, they always accompanied them with cheese so that the strong flavour prevented them from detecting any faults in the wine. This is where the Spanish expression “don’t let them give it to you with cheese” comes from, warning of a possible scam.

Paradoxically, wine and cheese form one of the best duets in gastronomy and this simplicity gives great moments of pleasure. Of course, to avoid undesirable clashes, it is best to be guided by the experts and this can be done at El Nacional’s Wine Bar, where an expert will advise customers on the best way to accompany the different wines, with cheese and cold cure meat cuts, preserves and salted fish.


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The seafood paella, on the Passeig de Gràcia

Catalonian-style, slow cooked and with a touch of Alicante

Often we associate Spanish paella with the coast, because it is true that often the best rice dices are found in the traditional coastal towns, right by the beach. But here El Nacional is also breaking with tradition and offers one of the best fish and seafood paellas in the Passeig de Gràcia, in the heart of Barcelona, without having to go down to the sea.


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A gourmet break in Paseo de Gracia

A break to taste ‘cocas’ and other delicatessen

Located at the entrance to El Nacional, La Parada reflects in its name the intention of the designers of this gastronomic macro-space: a place to take a break, chat and relax whilst having a drink and some of the delicatessen dishes that are offered on its menu, on which the cocas and the mini pizzas stand out.

La Parada is the most versatile area in the complex, where you can stop and eat at any time, whether you are looking for a peaceful café, a place to eat quickly, a table to enjoy some mediterranean gastronomy, a corner to have a relaxed afternoon tea or a place for an after work drink.


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Beer and preserves, our gastronomic proposal

We slip into the Beer Bar to savour the essence of Damm

El Nacional has a Bar of beers and preserves , an excellent beer bar to enjoy a pint of local beer,  accompanied with delicious classic tapas of meats, cheeses, pâtés and delicatessen fish smoked. The menu consists of a wide variety of classic beers, artisan and import, and preserves, such as the special “El Nacional” seafood or the delicious artisan products.

Beer is, without any doubt, one of the most popular drinks in our country; therefore it should have its own space within El Nacional. And to give it form and content, the restaurant could only join up with a brewery with an extensive range, prestigious and with roots in Barcelona: Damm is the brewery used by El Nacional.


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Classic Varieties and Author’s Cocktails

Whisky, gin, vodka and tequila brands complement the classic and signature cocktails

El Nacional’s Cocktail Bar is a paradise for cocktail and spirit lovers, who can enjoy a menu with classic and signature cocktails that are constantly being renewed, as well as many brands of whisky, gin, vodka, rum, tequila and brandy, which can be accompanied by toasts specially created for this space and with gourmet products from the other bars.


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Oysters and cava, a gourmet pleasure

The ideal space to indulge yourself at a special bar

Oysters and sparkling wines such as cava are subconsciously associated with gourmet pleasure, with an outing in good company, with the luxury that we all deserve at one point or another. And to enjoy it, you don’t have to go very far, at the heart of Barcelona, El Nacional’s most unique bar is the ideal place to indulge yourself.

The space, located opposite the restaurant’s entrance, is oval-shaped, like an oyster and it is the ideal venue to taste the purest flavours of the sea sealed in mother-of-pearl shells and at the same time, the best-prepared fruits of the land, such as cava sparkling wine and Champagne.


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The best tapas in Barcelona

The little hot dishes are sung out to customers

The idea of eating tapas involves the implicit idea of the search, in addition to good food, for an informal, relaxed and fun setting. Therefore, El Nacional’s La Taperia in Barcelona imported a formula that customers love, tapas that are sung out, Malaga-style: the waiting staff call out the recently-prepared hot dishes as they come out of the kitchens and they serve them to the customers who raise their hands and ask for them, like an auction in a market hall. Special care has been taken in this restaurant when choosing the waiting staff, who play a leading role when singing out the tapas and when recommending the dishes to diners and telling the kitchen what people are asking for to match the oer to the customers’ preferences at all times. Therefore, when you sit at a table, a waiter will take your order of drinks and cold tapas, and give you some clues as to what is being cooked in the kitchens. Once served, the party begins.


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Embers and firewood, the more flavorful meat in Barcelona

Charcoal grilled aged beef is the star of La Braseria

“Here we pamper our meat; with its quality, we couldn’t do anything else”, the assistant kitchen manager at El Nacional explains to define the mission of La Braseria, the rotisserie that specialises in aged, charcoal grilled meat.

Michel Gradeler’s eyes shine when he talks about the breeds they use, the aging system in cold rooms and the cooking process.


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Choose the fish and we cook it for you

Diners select the piece and how they want it cooked

The ‘lonja’ or city fish market is the place, where the fishermen auction their day’s catch and this is quickly sent on to its destination. For example, to El Nacional, where the restaurant, La Llotja receives the best daily fish and it displays them so that customers can select the one they fancy and can ask for it to be cooked to their taste.

La Llotja, the Barcelona restaurant, is El Nacional’s restaurant that specialises in fish and that offers a wide selection for customers, since not only can the day’s fresh fish and shellfish be chosen from the display, but also customers can decide whether they prefer it grilled, baked, steamed, fried or stewed. Or raw, which as we will see, is also a possibility that this unique space offers.


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